"No escribo para ser entendido, escribo para comprender"

Robert Cecil Day-Lewis (1904-1972),
poeta irlandés

domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012



When no one was there for me
And I thought that no one cared
When the whole world walked out on me
And I thought I was alone
You were there.

When the one I cared about the most
Could care less about me
When the one I gave my heart to
Threw it in my face
You were there.

When the person I trusted
Betrayed me
When the person I shared a lot of memories with
Can't even remember my birthday
You were there.

When all I need was 
a friend
To listen to me whine
When all I need was someone 
To catch my tears
You were there.

When my heart hurt so bad
I couldn't even breath
When I just wanted to crawl up and die
You where there.

When I started to cry
After hearing that sad song
When thew tears just wouldn't
Stop falling down
You where there.

So you see I will be there until the end
This is a promise I can make
If you ever need me
Just give me a call
I will be there just as you were there for me.


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